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Help Safe Streets Austin Meet Their Membership Goal

Safe Streets Austin wants to convey bold, inspiring visions of connection. Sidewalks, roads, and urban trails can be friendly, equitable places for that connection. With your support, you can expect transformative change.

Sustaining memberships are a critical part of Safe Streets Austin's strategy. A strong base of support:

  • Enables them to hire staff, realizing Safe Streets Austin's potential;

  • provides a gravitas with prospective grantors to secure capacity-building funds; and

  • gives decision makers confidence that promoted projects have strong community support and will be well-received after implementation.

As Austin grows and evolves, Safe Streets Austin wants to convey bold, inspiring visions of connection, both physical and human. Sidewalks, roads, and urban trails can be friendly, equitable places for that connection. With your support, you can expect transformative change in these areas:

Progress on policy.

Safe Streets Austin wants to meaningfully engage with the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas Department of Transportation, and other local and regional stakeholders. As Austin elects a new mayor and 5 new city council members in November, Safe Streets Austin wants active transportation and the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan goals to be top City Hall priorities. Action in this area includes:

  • Advocating for upcoming decisions about Project Connect, All Ages and Abilities (AAA), and ATX Walk Bike Roll that align with Austin’s climate mitigation efforts and Vision Zero policy;

  • showing support for budgeted sidewalk maintenance to ensure walkways are usable and continuous;

  • rallying the community for support as Travis County considers adopting Vision Zero county-wide; and

  • ensuring scooter parking solutions that keep sidewalks and bike lanes clear.

Campaigns for local projects.

Safe Streets Austin will track planned and active local projects to ensure community voices are amplified to achieve positive outcomes. This includes:

  • Bridging the gaps that exist in safe network connections, like E. 51st Street between Airport Blvd. and I-35;

  • advocating for a vibrant, bustling, car-free Guadalupe from 21st to 27th; and

  • petitioning local businesses and other stakeholders to build support for specific projects or larger-scale visioning efforts.


As Austin changes , education needs increase. For people to adopt change, it needs to be convenient, appealing, and normalized. The first step is familiarization, and that’s where education comes in. Safe Streets Austin will step in by:

  • Spearheading wayfinding projects for those who are walking, biking, or rolling around Austin;

  • promoting resources for getting around town safely and enjoyably for those that are new to walking, biking, and rolling;

  • supporting the City as it rolls out new facilities; and

  • addressing skeptics' concerns and demonstrating that everyone can benefit from a robust mix of transportation options.

Ways to connect and have fun.

Safe Streets Austin is brimming with ideas, such as:

  • Organizing community-building walks and rides like Houston’s Moonlight Ramble that showcase the best of Austin’s trails and networks;

  • coordinating events like OpenStreetsPGH, where neighbors come together to safely enjoy and explore miles that would otherwise be used by motor vehicles;

  • helping pilot projects like Shared Streets thrive; and

  • promoting and celebrating new walking and biking facilities.


Is there a high injury street in your neighborhood that could use traffic calming solutions? Or tricky street crossings for students in the morning? Any sidewalks to nowhere? Safe Streets Austin wants to support projects and policies that would positively impact your district. They are looking for 10 volunteers in each district to help communicate with City Council and coordinate these member-driven projects.